Friday, January 29, 2010

MX7 is launching on Monday February 1st at 0:00:01 EST


MillionaireX7 is officially launching on February 1st --- and these are exciting days indeed.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Certificate of Incorporation for 'MillionaireX7 Global Incorporated'



MillionaireX7 is now an officially registered business company and our members are able to conduct business transactions in all 192 countries within which our payment processor AlertPay allows subscription payments and commission earnings.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

MX7 POWER Book #3 --- MX7 Leadership Workbook


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MX7 POWER Book #2 --- MX7 Power Training


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Monday, January 18, 2010

MX7 POWER Book #1 --- The Power Of MX7



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Screenshot of the new ‘MILLIONIZER’ landing page


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Monday, January 4, 2010

New Millionizer Videos



We have a brand new flash video just posted on the MillionaireX7 website that introduces the MILLIONIZER program in an extremely powerful way. It is less than 2 minutes long but highly impacting and well worth viewing. The link is here:

‘MILLIONIZER’ Intro Flash Video

The original 450 members of MillionaireX1 and a few select recipients are receiving the MILLIONIZER program from January 1 at no cost for the entire month of January. It consists of just one email per day.

So far you should have received the first 3 emails for Jan 1-2-3. If you have not yet received them please check your junk mail folder. The links to these first 3 MILLIONIZERS are here:

January 1
January 1 --- Happy New Year

January 2
Purpose Of The ‘MILLIONIZER’

January 3
The ‘MILLIONIZER’ Elements

Happy New Year!


"I am so happy and grateful that money comes to me in 2010 in ever
increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis"

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