Monday, January 4, 2010

New Millionizer Videos



We have a brand new flash video just posted on the MillionaireX7 website that introduces the MILLIONIZER program in an extremely powerful way. It is less than 2 minutes long but highly impacting and well worth viewing. The link is here:

‘MILLIONIZER’ Intro Flash Video

The original 450 members of MillionaireX1 and a few select recipients are receiving the MILLIONIZER program from January 1 at no cost for the entire month of January. It consists of just one email per day.

So far you should have received the first 3 emails for Jan 1-2-3. If you have not yet received them please check your junk mail folder. The links to these first 3 MILLIONIZERS are here:

January 1
January 1 --- Happy New Year

January 2
Purpose Of The ‘MILLIONIZER’

January 3
The ‘MILLIONIZER’ Elements

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