Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clarifications regarding certain MX7 issues


MillionaireX7 is now officially launched --- and already gaining momentum with almost three hundred people already joined and paid. So many of our members can already expect good sized commissions on our first pay day next Friday February 12.

We have several of the pre-encoded original MX1-MX3 members that have not yet paid their subscription fees of USD30 for February. To remain in the MX7 genealogy you must pay your USD30 subscription by this Thursday February 4 as commissions will be paid on your position in the first pay cycle. Those pre-encoded members that do not pay their USD30 subscription by the end of Thursday February 4 will be deleted from the system and will lose all rights to any genealogy or commissions. Their entire MX7 identity will be deleted. To pay your USD30 subscription (for pre-encoded members only) please click on this link:

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