Thursday, October 29, 2009

Build Your MX3 Business Global

My business MillionaireX3 is unique in many ways. One of our strongest features is that our members can build their business in any and all of 192 countries worldwide --- and all from the comfort of their own home. All our members need are a computer with internet connection and they can build a million-dollar international empire that earns them residual income month after month, year after year.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

TOP 64 Network Marketing and Direct Sales Companies

The Direct Selling News just published a list of the top 64 network marketing and direct sales companies, all of which have annual revenues of $100 million or greater. So, if you've ever had any doubt that network marketing works or whether it's legal or ethical, then take a look at this list and in particular note how long some of them have been in business. When you encounter those sceptics who don't believe that this is a viable industry, you can just show them this amazing list. Here are the companies in reverse order from 64 to 1:

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MX3 Team USA

Whilst in Arizona, I visited with TechPress who are the international rights agency for the books that I have authored. We discussed plans to possibly have several of my books published in USA next year. This will obviously boost my name recognition and with the added credibility this provides it will greatly help our members in promoting both MX1 and MX3. Above, left to right: Angela Totman, James, Michael Lechter (husband of Sharon Lechter, co-author of the mega-selling Rich Dad series), Eve Dumas.

The photo above shows me with our fledgling MX Team USA. One member is Gari Tilyou of the famed Tilyou entertainment family of New York who is one of our network leaders. You can hear Gari live in her weekly webinar at 10pm EST every Monday. The other member is Eve Dumas, better known to many of you as Head of Customer Happiness for MX3. You will be able to hear Eve live in her weekly webinar at 10pm EST every Wednesday starting in a couple of weeks. Thank you ladies for your super kind hospitality during my trip to Arizona, greatly appreciated.

Where Is James?

The previous two weeks were busy ones for me ahead of the official launch of MX3. I travelled from Manila, Philippines to Arizona, USA on September 23 where I stayed for 9 days before travelling back to Manila. Man alive, was I fortunate in the timing of this trip as I missed the "100 Year Rains" and devastating flooding that resulted in 80% of Metro Manila being underwater on the weekend of September 26-27. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the literally millions of people that suffered flooding to their homes, including two of the MX Team members who saw their homes submerged by mud and sewage and the vilest waters imaginable. Shocking!

The image above shows me with three of our MX Team members at the Manila offices of MultiSoft on September 23 before I headed to the airport to catch my flight to LAX and on to Arizona. Above, left to right: Emmy, James, Francis, Danielle.