Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where Is James?

The previous two weeks were busy ones for me ahead of the official launch of MX3. I travelled from Manila, Philippines to Arizona, USA on September 23 where I stayed for 9 days before travelling back to Manila. Man alive, was I fortunate in the timing of this trip as I missed the "100 Year Rains" and devastating flooding that resulted in 80% of Metro Manila being underwater on the weekend of September 26-27. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the literally millions of people that suffered flooding to their homes, including two of the MX Team members who saw their homes submerged by mud and sewage and the vilest waters imaginable. Shocking!

The image above shows me with three of our MX Team members at the Manila offices of MultiSoft on September 23 before I headed to the airport to catch my flight to LAX and on to Arizona. Above, left to right: Emmy, James, Francis, Danielle.

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